
The Journey Over the Destination

     I remember watching my babies learn to walk.  How exciting when they would take those few wobbly steps before falling.  There would be cheers and encouragement for their successes and failures as they tried to walk.  But every once in a while there were those moments when their desire for something was so strong that after taking a few difficult steps, they would drop to their hands and knees and crawl.  Crawling would get them there faster and easier when the journey of walking was taking too long.  Getting their chubby little hands on what they wanted was more motivating than trying their new skill of walking.        Sometimes this picture looks a lot like our walk with God.  He wants to hold our hand and walk with us as we take wobbly and uncertain steps.  He desires to see us growing and maturing by taking steps of faith.  Our walk with God often looks like abandoning the faster and easier route for...


     Have you ever read scripture and dismissed a story as if it didn't pertain to you?  After all, you're not Moses, or David, or Paul, or ( insert other names here) .  So this must not apply to me because I could never be that holy or do what he/she did.  I think that sometimes we forget that the people in the Bible were real people just like you or I.  We read the story and move on thinking that all we read is all there is.  We don't consider the backstory or how long it may have taken the person to arrive at their decision. Perhaps we fail to consider that they had feelings and emotions, doubts and fears.   Enter Holy Imagination     What if we  picked out a story in the Bible, asked Holy Spirit to help us imagine as we read, and then pictured ourselves in that story?  We could ask questions like: What would I do in that situation, What character do I most relate to when I read this, How does this story impact my ...

Friend to God

       I don't know about you, but I find friendship hard as an adult.  It's not that I don't want friends, but it takes time, effort, energy, and sacrifice to make a friend and be a good friend.  As a mom, I often put so much effort into ensuring my kids are afforded the opportunities to make friends and connect with them that typically I don't feel like I have a whole lot of time leftover for myself.  Besides my kids, there is my spouse who deserves my energy, love, and time so we can connect and continue to grow in our relationship in this busy season of parenting teens (who don't yet drive themselves anywhere).      I previously shared about how I encountered the Holy Spirit and felt the invitation to friendship with God.  It was a monumental moment in my faith journey and helped me see that friendship isn't with people alone, but that God is a perfect friend.  I am not saying that we shouldn't have friends and making an ex...

Who I didn't know

      This past November the Lord met me.  I didn't know I was missing something and that I wasn't living free until I found freedom. But because I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life, He has never stopped transforming me into the woman He made me to be.  It was a year and a half ago that my family came to our new church home in Ephrata, and it has been a steady introduction to the person of the Holy Spirit.            Jesus said in John 16:7, Nevertheless I tell you the truth.  It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. These words were not unfamiliar to me, and I had read about the Holy Spirit, learned about Pentecost, and known about how the early disciples of Jesus were filled with the Spirit and empowered to bring the Good News to the ends of the earth.  But knowing about , and knowing Holy Spirit personally aren't ...

Got life?

  “And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life.” 1 John‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬      I can remember the moment nearly 15 years ago when I realized eternal life doesn’t begin when I die. I had lived my life believing that if I say “yes” to Jesus I am then supposed to do my best to be a good person, try not to sin (or at least not do anything too bad) and when I die I would go to heaven and be with God forever. Thankfully God provided someone who came alongside me when I was a young mom. She took time with me each week while my daughter napped and read the word with me, showed me the importance of memorizing and understanding what the Bible says, and showed me how I can read the Bible for myself and apply it to my everyday life.        2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has bec...

Share Your Story

    I have come to see the immense value of a shared story.  It is interesting to me how social media has created story features and we no longer share a post, but a story.  We all know the facade of our highlight reels with our social media friends so let's not pretend that what we post there is our story.  But we all have one because our lives tell a story.      Can you recall a moment in your own life where your story intersected with another?  That time when you were walking through something hard, feeling alone and like you were the only one experiencing this, but then either you shared your story or encountered someone on a similar path and suddenly you were no longer alone.   Right now I am doing my best to raise teenagers, and it is not for the faint of heart.  But each time I hear a story from another parent I breathe a sigh of relief that my home is not Crazy Town because others know what this season of life is like a...

Marker Moments

     We all have those times in our lives where something happens and the trajectory of our life changes and does not go back to the way it was before.  It could be something momentous like graduation, marriage, or children or something uninvited like divorce, sickness, or death.  At other times it is a series of small decisions or lessons learned that guide us in a new direction and then we look back over time and see we are no longer who we once were.       It is hard to believe this summer my family and I will have been in this home for 6 years.  It is even harder to believe how much has changed in my life in what seemed like just a few short years.  But what I want to focus on and remember is what God has done in me over the last year.  This past weekend was what I am calling a "Marker Moment" in my life.  It is a point in time that I chose to mark with a specific act to say "THIS is worth remembering".  On 2/3/24...

I can't, but You can

      I cried myself to sleep the other night.  Well, almost.  I lay on my pillow as tears streamed down my face and my thoughts raced with all the ways I had messed up, wasn't good enough, and told me all the worst things I could think about myself.  I felt utterly defeated.   The interesting thing was the catalyst for this wasn't that big of a deal, my day had been good, and a few hours earlier I had felt fine.  But that didn't seem to matter at the moment because just that quick my mind had made me out to be the worst.       I say "almost" because as I lay there wrestling with my thoughts, I eventually got to the place where I had had enough.  All these things weren't true, and deep down I knew it.  Yet, after a full day, I felt too weary to tell myself anything different.  Thankfully, I had somewhere else to turn.       This might sound  cliche, overly simple, or like a platitud...

This is Love

 It’s Christmas Eve.  We have had quite a year as we settled in at a new church, raised a puppy, and continue to learn how to engage and parent a pre-teen and teen.  We are in a new season.  One that is sometimes uncomfortable as we encounter new territories in parenting and in our faith.  But we are all learning and growing as individuals and as family and encountering God and his presence in new ways as we step into all that he is doing in our church, our family, our ministry.   I say all this as a simple update and to segue into one of the things we have been learning in our new church community.  We have been pondering and encountering the Holy presence of God and viewing our response to Him.  Do we fear the Lord and keep him in his proper place of honor and worship?  Do we make him too small in our lives?  Do we know his heart and desire for us?  So as these ideas swirl in and around me, this advent reflection poured out: Lord,...

Unexpected freedom

 Psalm 34:4 says: I prayed to the Lord and he answered me.  He freed me from all my fears.        I admit that I can be a fearful person.  It doesn't always look like outright fright like when you get to the top of the hill on a roller coaster and can finally see the way down.  No, my fear can disguise itself.  It may look like saying no to something that should have been a yes, rejecting something simply because it is new to me, worry and anxiety out of concern for myself or my family, and it can even sometimes come as a wave of depression or a lack of self-esteem.       When I reflect on fear, I can justify that it is a response or an emotion that was designed to keep me safe.  After all, "healthy" fear might keep us from running out into traffic as a child, driving recklessly as a teenager, or risking our life savings as an adult.  But when it comes to fear there is definitely an unhealthy side.  As a par...