Share Your Story

    I have come to see the immense value of a shared story.  It is interesting to me how social media has created story features and we no longer share a post, but a story.  We all know the facade of our highlight reels with our social media friends so let's not pretend that what we post there is our story.  But we all have one because our lives tell a story. 
    Can you recall a moment in your own life where your story intersected with another?  That time when you were walking through something hard, feeling alone and like you were the only one experiencing this, but then either you shared your story or encountered someone on a similar path and suddenly you were no longer alone.  Right now I am doing my best to raise teenagers, and it is not for the faint of heart.  But each time I hear a story from another parent I breathe a sigh of relief that my home is not Crazy Town because others know what this season of life is like and get it. 
    This isn't going to be a long post or anything profound, but my hope is to give a call to action...share your story!  We are meant to do life together in community with others.  When we open our hearts and our mouths and let the words of our journey flow out, I can almost promise that something will happen.  
    I have seen how sharing has helped me heal by getting the words out there and out of me where they can sometimes do more harm them good.  I have seen how sharing part of my story has connected me with one other person in this world and suddenly I am not isolated and alone.  I have seen how putting my story out there has helped others to see themselves in my story and give them hope.   
    Our stories connect us.  I don't know that the messages we receive from the world like: "You'll get through this", "Just hold on", "Never give up", and "This too shall pass" do much to actually help.  But I do know that opening my heart and being willing to be vulnerable and share some of my own stories has helped.  And being a kind listener willing to receive the story of another just might be exactly what someone needs at the moment.  
    I pray I am not too busy or distracted to be available to someone else or too hardened to open my own heart and share.  If you feel like you are alone or have no one to share with, you have believed a lie and I'd love to help you discover the truth...because your story matters.


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