Unexpected freedom

 Psalm 34:4 says:

I prayed to the Lord and he answered me.  He freed me from all my fears. 

    I admit that I can be a fearful person.  It doesn't always look like outright fright like when you get to the top of the hill on a roller coaster and can finally see the way down.  No, my fear can disguise itself.  It may look like saying no to something that should have been a yes, rejecting something simply because it is new to me, worry and anxiety out of concern for myself or my family, and it can even sometimes come as a wave of depression or a lack of self-esteem.  

    When I reflect on fear, I can justify that it is a response or an emotion that was designed to keep me safe.  After all, "healthy" fear might keep us from running out into traffic as a child, driving recklessly as a teenager, or risking our life savings as an adult.  But when it comes to fear there is definitely an unhealthy side.  As a parent, I see moments where my kids fear.  For example, I know they will be okay to put on a pair of roller skates and step into the rink, but there is a hesitation and fear of falling that may cause them to pause.  And it is in moments like these that I say, "it's ok, don't be afraid".  I teach them that fear has its place but it doesn't rule over us.  I push them to try new things, to not let fear hold them back, and most of all when they are afraid to pray about it and give it to God.  That being said, I sometimes don't take my own advice.  

    In Mark chapter 5, I read about two very different people that approached Jesus in a time of need.  First, a woman who was bleeding for 12 years.  The second was a temple leader named Jairus whose daughter was sick and dying.  So many years of experiencing these uncomfortable and unclean symptoms, seeking every doctor she could afford, being excluded because of her illness, and the only result was she got worse instead of better.  And a parent, watching their child suffer and not respond to any medical intervention, but only getting sicker and being given the advice to prepare for her imminent death.  Desperation only mildly describes how these 2 people approach Jesus.  This man and this woman have nothing else to grab hold of, they have seen how nothing else will help them.

    A sense of urgency arises, they both MUST see Jesus.  There is something about him, where all else fails, HE does not!  Coming from a place of hopelessness she arises and with an ounce of faith she moves through the crowd, just to touch his robe.  And filled with fear Jairus pushes his way to Jesus and falls at his feet crying out for help, believing in faith that Jesus can heal her.  

    There are two lines in this section that I underlined.  Verse 34 says, "Daughter, your faith has made you well" and verse 36 says, "Don't be afraid.  Just have faith."  I cannot deny the antidote to my fear is faith.  Not faith in myself, my own abilities, my capability to combat negative thoughts and emotions, or to just be brave.  BUT rather a faith in the one thing that matters.  Faith in a God who, when all else fails, HE does not.  When you don't have anywhere else to turn to, HE has always been there.  

    This isn't cliche and these aren't just stories.  Our response to fear matters!  This woman who suffered for so many years broke all social boundaries to approach Jesus.  She believed just touching his clothes would make her well.  And in Jairus' story, before Jesus even was able to follow him to his house, a word came through a messenger that his daughter had died.  Jesus was quick to interrupt the response to this message with his statement, "Don't be afraid. Just have faith."  Because, let's be honest, that kind of news should have resulted in a bigger response from Jairus.  This father never prepared for his daughter's imminent death and he didn't give up at the news of her death.  He didn't do what was expected.  Instead, he had faith in the one who could do the unexpected!

    What amazing examples of faith!  It reminds me not to be constrained by social norms and the ways of this world.  It declares I do not have to give in to fear.  It shows me that there is no need to live within the expected.  With faith, hope, and trust in God, I can AND will begin to expect the UN-expected.  I will declare my FAITH in God and what He alone can do.  Maybe you are not a fearful person, maybe you are.  I pray that if you are filled with fear, you would surrender it today.  If you do not fear, I pray that you would be inspired by a God who is worthy of our fear and awe.

I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.  Psalms 91:14-16



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