Holy Unknowing
Sometimes we can read the Bible and remain unconnected to it. Or sometimes we go through seasons where reading it is dry or we are just going through the motions. Yet other times (shocked look) we don't read it at all. I had someone share with me recently that they asked a small group of people how they felt about the Christmas story and if it had meaning for them today. They agreed that they felt it should have meaning to them but they weren't really sure how they connected to it. I have learned to bring a fresh take to Bible reading that I can place myself into the story, ask questions, and think about how it makes me feel. Let me demonstrate what this looked like for me this morning and how taking the time to do this allowed God to speak to my heart (and maybe yours too). As I read the Christmas story I thought about Mary's response to being told she would bear a son, the holy offspring of God, and wondered w...