Finding Our Way...I Mean HIS Way
Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. No one likes to be lost. Being in new territory where the surroundings are unfamiliar is uncomfortable. Even if you take a new path because of a detour or because you want to see something new you most likely do it with GPS in hand or landmarks and signs to follow so you can find your way back if needed. I remember getting lost in Baltimore city by myself before the days of GPS on our cell phones. My heart was pounding as I frantically looked out my window while trying to find my way and keep my eyes on the road. I remember the relief that came when I turned around, retraced my steps, and finally found something familiar. I would say the past month has felt a bit like that on this adoption journey. The path has felt obscure and downright muddy at times. And I went through some heart-pounding days where I was certain I ha...