Do you know?

August 2021 brought us to the two-year mark of when we started the process of pursuing Katie. It is simultaneously hard to believe it's been that long and heart-wrenching that we are still waiting. Much of this journey has felt like these opposing feelings, if that is what to call it, maybe parallel feelings describe it better. From the beginning, there was a leaning in with anticipation of what God may be calling us to, and a pushback to do something that seems so incredibly hard. Then there was this driving motivation to complete the mountain of tasks to get to Katie while being overly frustrated that the process was so incredibly cumbersome and complex. There was an elation when we finally received approval to adopt her, and a sinking dread that Covid was going to make travel difficult. And now there is this extended wait that brings sadness, fear, worry, and even exhaustion, but yet we experience joy and pleasure as we spend t...