The Heart of the Father

I am writing again because I can't miss this thought. These thoughts I share need to get written down not just to share our journey but because I need to remember them. As time goes by and one day we bring Katie home I don't want to forget what the Father taught me through it all. Today is Katie's 4th birthday (not really). This is the birthday she was given, which is one day before the day she was found outside the orphanage on May 6, 2018. She was estimated to be one year old by a physician and given a birthday of one year and one day from that date (May 5, 2017). A year and almost 2 months after she was "found" she entered into our lives and two months later we began the adoption process in August 2019. I share all this because sometimes it feels like a process. It is so easy to get caught up in the adoption steps. Do this, then that, and then the child will eventually b...