Exactly What We Need

February is a short month yet sometimes it drags on. But with snow days and disrupted schedules, I am kind of surprised that we are about to turn the corner into March. I can feel spring ready to burst forth as I see glimpses of buds, hear the song of birds, and experience the lengthening of daylight hours. Oh, it is just what this weary soul needs, new life and hope. Thinking back on this journey a year ago, I was antsy with anticipation believing that spring would bring the completion of our adoption. I remember starting a new job and thinking how bad of an idea it seemed to do such a thing in the midst of this adoption timeline. Would they be okay with me starting and in a few short months taking a leave of absence? But I felt God opening doors left and right and the opportunity seemed like an answer to years of prayer. Amazing! Looking back now it seems so obvious, God knew just what I nee...