The Power of Prayer

     I know at some point I may look back on this time and see some reason for why it all happened this way.  And I hope I have some grand story of how God moved and worked through these moments.  But right now in this season, I am sad and frustrated.  

    Just about a month ago we received the final approval we needed to be able to complete immigration for Katie.  This approval then generated our final articles needed to finalize the adoption with China and initiate travel approval.  An email I received from Guangzhou, China on November 10th stated, "the adoption unit has finished processing your Article your agency will deliver these letters to the China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption, which will issue travel approval.  Travel approval allows you to come to China and finalize the adoption."  Typically, these final steps until travel take just weeks.  But with COVID there are no Visas being granted and no travel to China is allowed.  

    So on one hand I should rejoice that the process is complete.  We made it through a mountain of paperwork, numerous approvals, and countless payments.  But the reality is my mind feels thick like the morning fog and my heart heavy.  I find myself dwelling on what's next and when.  The when feels like never, and the what's next is anxiety-inducing...Will we have to quarantine in China when we can go, How can I live in China for a month and be apart from my kids that long (and part of that time be stuck in a hotel room unable to leave for 2 weeks), How can I get ready and plan for such a big trip when the idea of traveling during this virus seems impossible?  See what I mean!?

    Another struggle has been the inability to have any contact with Katie.  August was the last time we had any communication.  Our missionary friends mentioned in previous posts have indeed been allowed into China and have returned to their home.  This was no easy feat, but they safely made it.  Unfortunately, for us, their return did not include a reuniting with Katie.  The orphanage is not open to any outsiders because of the virus and for the safety of the children.  Of course, this makes sense, but it doesn't mean I wasn't disappointed.  Another China contact I have has also not been able to make contact with the orphanage because they are so busy they aren't providing updates.  The sound of silence some days is deafening. 

    The fear, the worry, and the frustration.  Some days I feel like this is too hard, too scary, and too much is unknown.  Reading 1 Peter last week I came across this verse, "For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you" (1 Peter 2:21).  There is a reason that God allows us to only see the path in front of us and doesn't give us the whole big picture upfront. We couldn't handle it!  If I could see all these hurdles and delays at the beginning, perhaps I would have said "no thanks, you got the wrong person."  And if we knew the good we were doing would result in suffering, would we willingly jump right in?  God knows this about us.  

    Years ago I memorized Proverbs 3:5-6 and deemed it my life verse.  It says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths."  In this challenging season, it is when I fail to trust that God is in control or try to use my human mind to try and understand it all, that I waiver.  I know that and even in the knowing, some days are just hard.  I find myself with bouts of sadness and other days angry that I can't even just get a picture or an update on Katie.  But 1 Peter 5:7 brings comfort, "Give all your worries and care to God, for he cares about you." 

    I know that God is still working in this situation.  And He cares!  I try to remember that daily and to take time to lay my concerns at His feet in prayer.  If you have followed along with my ramblings thus far, and want to know what you can do, I would ask for your prayers as well.  I could use prayer in the waiting and would love for us to be able to establish contact with Katie.  We also need prayers for an opportunity to safely travel.  God has taught me more about the need for prayer this past year than ever.  In fact, there are numerous places in His Word where it states just how important prayer is.  But I will end with just one from James 5:16b, "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results."  

    Thanks to those following our journey and praying with and for us.  There IS power in the name of Jesus, and I look forward to these wonderful results.

                                                            A picture we received of Katie a year ago, Fall 2019


  1. Thanks for sharing your heart! I have not stopped praying for Katie, nor you and Dan about this since first asked me to as you were considering the adoption. I will pray for the anxiety and trust (as I do for myself) that tho I don't understand what God is doing, I know, that I know that I know He is in this and working it all together for good!


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