Wait for It

Waiting is not something we do well. We are an instantaneous culture with everything at our fingertips. But God uses waiting to refine us, to grow us, to increase our dependency on Him. After school ended in May, I wasn't waiting well. I hadn't heard anything about Katie in months and our documents to adopt Katie were still sitting in China waiting for final approval. So what do I do now when the room is painted and ready, the car seats and other items are acquired and sitting in the basement, work is prepared to accommodate me taking time off, and we have our names on a waiting list for a preschool? In June I reached out to our agency to find a way to contact Katie. They were able to put me in touch with a woman named Helen who lived in China and could offer her services to contact the orphanage, translate for us or even send care packages for a fee. So I emailed Helen and we planned a video chat with Katie fo...