So Will I

I have been resistant to creating a public journal about our adoption. I guess I wasn't sure anyone would really read it or care. I have kept a personal timeline of all the steps we have taken on this journey to adopt Katie. But to put it down with feelings, share our struggles, and let others read it. That is not like me. However, as this adoption process has lengthened and the wait continues, I get more and more questions. People hesitantly ask, "how is it going", "any news"? In a quick conversation it is hard to share. I can give facts, details and timelines, but I can't tell you what it is really like, how it has felt, how this whole process has not been about the adoption but how God is truly changing me. We began the adoption process last August 2019. But really it began in January 2019 (and truthfully God had been working even longer than we can know). We moved into our Palm...