Goodbye, but never forgotten

How do you say goodbye to someone you never met? How do you grieve something that was never yours in the first place? Today I share with you some of the thoughts I have wrestled with, some of the confusion and hurt I have faced, and the reality we are embracing as a family. I want to tell you all that after grueling conversations, revealing our feelings and being honest with ourselves and one another, and prayers for help and direction we have made the decision as a family to withdraw from the adoption process. This did not come quickly or easily, and if I am honest the discussion began last fall. Thoughts like, "how long should we wait?", "what does it look like to take on Katie's needs at 4 or 5?", "how do I continue to support my children through this process?", "what will people think?". Some of these thoughts were wholly unhealthy, some were necessary, some were raw ...