Lessons From a Container of Sand

"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!" Psalm 139:17-18 We are just coming off of spring break with the girls and almost a full week away at the beach thanks to the kindness of friends. There is something about being at the shore, near water, looking at the majesty of God and the ocean waves that bring a sense of peace. While we were there we collected a container of sand to bring home for Lydia's 5th-grade assignment to create a model of the ocean floor. A small container of sand did not even make a dent in the beach, and no one would notice this measly amount of sand missing. The scripture above from the book of Psalms tells us that God's thoughts about us outnumber the grains of sand, so much more than this small container of san...