To feel or not to feel

I debated with myself whether to blog this month. I have no new updates. I am unable to obtain any information or pictures from the orphanage because China is entering a 2-week shutdown for the Chinese New Year. When I emailed Helen (a contact in China) she told me the orphanages usually only do an update every 3 months so "we can request in March, I hope you can understand". Part of me wants to yell and stop my feet like a toddler, "NO, I don't understand"! The other part of me wants to debate this statement like a logical, information-filled 5th grader (I know, I have one), and say "She is my daughter! Because of an unplanned virus, I can't come and get her. This is unprecedented. Can't some exceptions be made? Why can't the orphanages be kind enough to share our children (in some images or words) with all of the waiting families each month?" The more mature side of me says, "Trust in the Lord, patiently ...